Lake Fest Niksic 2019 - How To Have Fun With Montenegrins

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Another Lake Fest in Niksic came to its end, after 3 days of fun, pure joy, friendships, love for music and good atmosphere. This was 9th edition in a row and rock music fans from all over the region arrived in Niksic to celebrate the music they love.
The fact is that this is a unique festival in Montenegro that cherishes rock ’n roll music for 9 years now and this is what makes it different compared to other festivals, as they don’t crave to be super popular and to deliver commercial trends, but to deliver a real joy to the ones that are real rock ’n roll lovers like themselves!
Lake Fest is set in a beautiful environment, with their stage located in the middle of the poplar forest, that surrounds the lake Krupac dam – one of the favourite spots of Niksic inhabitants as well as visitors. Most of the festival visitors are staying in the camping site, set close to the stage, in the same forest and this adds a special note to the festival spirit.
Our team had a wonderful time during the 3 festival days, as usual, even if we listened to many of the line-up performers already. But, that is when you realise that this festival offers much more than just music! It has a soul! Typical Niksic soul, welcoming and warm-hearted to all the visitors, making a special bond in between the audience and the performers as well as the organisers.
This festival is My Guide Montenegro’s best recommendation for the events that are taking place during the summer in the central region of Montenegro! Stay tuned, as we are soon going to announce some great news for the 10 years jubilee that will take place in summer 2020!

Official Photographer - Zamrznuti tonovi